Fees & Rebates


Fees and Rebates 

You do not require a Medicare referral to access our services, however, some rebates do apply if you are referred by a GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician under a Mental Health Care Plan.

You will need to provide a copy of the GP Mental Health Care Plan at your first appointment in order to claim the rebate.

If you have had a GP Mental Health Care Plan allocated to a different psychologist, but wish to see a clinician at Perception Psychology, you will need to ask your GP practice to adjust the Care Plan Paperwork to reflect that.

Standard Appointment - 50minute session - please call reception for fees

Private health insurance cover (varies - ask your provider).

 Medicare Assistance

If you have been referred under a Mental Health Care Plan, you are entitled to a Medicare rebate for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. You can either bring the letter of referral/plan with you to your first appointment or it can be emailed through to Perception Psychology (reception@perceptionpsychologysa.com.au) at any time before your first visit. 

The full fee is payable on the day and we have on-site EFTPOS and Medicare claiming facilities for your convenience.  Further information on Medicare Rebates can be found at:  www.psychology.org.au/medicare/fact_sheet/

Private Health Insurance

If you do not have a Medicare eligible referral, you may be entitled to a rebate from your private health provider. Eligibility and rebate amounts vary from fund to fund, so please check with your insurance provider.

Legally you cannot claim both Medicare and Private Health Rebates at the same time.

Psychological Assessments

Upon Request — Perception Psychology provides a wide range of psychological assessments including Child and Adult ADHD, Cognitive assessments, Personality assessments and others.

Letters, Emails & other Administration

We charge pro-rata based on our hourly fees, for reading and writing emails, letters, reports and other services such as communication to schools/uni’s and other stakeholders. Usually a letter of one or two pages, will take half an hour and a letter of 3 or 4 pages will be an hour of work from your therapist. Long emails will be charged accordingly to be attended to by your therapist. You can ask your therapist for more details regarding such services.

Cancellation Policy

See our cancellation and other policies here - Our Policies»

We are not a bulk billing practice.

A Mental Health Care plan rebate does not cover the full session fee.